Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems
Assignment Number 2
I used to be a manager at a franchise in my town. For confidentiality reasons, I will not name where. There were many duties and responsibilities that I had with that job title. I will explain one process that I had responsibility over. The hire process, which was one of my favorites.
a) Brief desciption of the process
-The hiring process was definitely one of the more in detail and advanced processes associated
with my job. I reviewed applications, interviewed, ran background checks, and sending the
applications to corporate before hiring them and filling out a whole new set of paperwork.
b) The purpose or desired outcome
-The purpose or desired outcome was to hire a new member to our team
c) Steps in the process and the person and functional area responsible for completing the step
-Getting an application- Applicant
-Reviewing application- Manager(me)
-Interviewing qualified applicants- Manager(me)
-Placing a background check- Manager(me)
-Sending quailifed potential to corprate for aproval- Manager(me)
-Approving applicants and having applicants electronically sign documents- Corprate
-Creating employee profile and sending it to corporate- Manager(me)
-Congratulating approved applicant and setting up training- Manager(me)
d) Data, Document, and information flows associated with the process
- There is plenty of data and documents involved in this process. There are softwares that help
me sift through applications and pick out key words depending on the qualifications I am
looking to hire at the time. There are documents they must file out through corprate such as
tax papers and legal documents.
e) The types of inefficiencies(delays, etc.) associated with the manual execution of this process
- There are many inefficenies assoiated with this process. The biggest one that always bugged
me was the time is took. It was a very extensive process running the background checks and
hearing back from corprate. The whole process took almost a month which is not pratical.
If somebody left me abruplty or even put in there two weeks it would atleast take me two
two weeks to a month from their departure to hire a new person in their place.
f) The role of the enterprise systems in supporting this process.
- There role of the enterpise system in supportin this process was to over see all my actions
and took keep things running smoothly, quickly, and efficiently.
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