Monday, September 8, 2014

My thought on Globalization

I had to read and write about Globalization for one of my classes. I actually thought it was very interesting and it also has to due with IT so I thought I would share my thoughts on it.

Technology has become quite ubiquitous throughout the years, currently it is impacting the world through globalization. Globalization can be discribed as different nations coming together making trade, communication, cultures, etc. simpler and more open. Any social differentiations are being taken away from different nations. It is very difficult to say if globalization is a blessing or a curse. There are many benefits of globalization, as well as many cons. Obviously trade being much simpler and cheaper is definitely a benefit, but this can also cause a loss of money to a country sending work over to poorer countries. Globalization appears to help poor countries more then countries who are well off. Globalization in the long run will bring poor countries more to a similar standard of countries like America and Europe, resulting in it being more beneficial to poor countries in my opinion. But I do think that it is important to make these countries equal to us. I do not think it is beneficial because right now our country is losing a lot of work due to cheaper labor cost in other countries. Obviously a business would rather spend less money then more money so in the long run we are losing money while other smaller countries are gaining it and being built up. Years from now It will result in equality amongst countries hopefully if everything goes well. 

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