Monday, September 15, 2014

Blogs in Business Memo




           In today's society technology has become something that is used every single day almost all the time. It is almost impossible to escape technology. If you are a working American it is likely that you will need to have some experience with technology in order to be successful in the workforce. For the reason that technology surrounds us everywhere we go, it is very important that we use incorporate technology with our business to maximize success 

           There are many benefits of blogging for our business. I will give you just a few examples for why blogging is important for our company to do in order to stay successful:

  •  Keeps customers updated about company
  •  Allows customers to interact and express interest in a company
  • Raises awareness and brings attention to customers. 
  • Free advertising 
  • Allows new people to find out about a company

           A great example of blogging in business is coke-a-cola. Coke is a huge soda manufacturing company and they also had in my opinion one of the best advertising techniques that I have seen in a few years. Even better, this advertising technique cost them nothing besides switching the print on their soda bottles/cans. Coke took advantage of the fact that blogging on all different websites and forms of social media is something that people take part in everyday. They did this by printing out names on a coke bottle. This may seem silly, but it worked. What happen  in this case was that when somebody saw either their name, their friends name, or their loved ones name they would take a picture of a coke can and blog about it. The company coke did not even have to keep up with a blog site they let their customers advertise for them. When other people went on blogging and social media sites they would see a nice ice cold refreshing coke and would possibly crave it and go out and get one. Blogging in business definitely proved to be successful for coke. 

           There was a study done about blogging in business and according to the study, 57% of companies who have a blog reported gaining a customer from their blog site. That is a very large percent. Companies spend millions of dollars advertising when blogging is a free way to raise awareness of our business. Also in that same study, there was a group of marketers that reveled 81% of business say that their business blog is useful and even critical for their business. Especially in todays society when technology is so ubiquitous it is almost imperative a company has a blog in order to keep up with competitors. 



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