Monday, September 22, 2014

Assignment #2

Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems


Assignment  Number 2

I used to be a manager at a franchise in my town. For confidentiality reasons, I will not name where. There were many duties and responsibilities that I had with that job title. I will explain one process that I had responsibility over. The hire process, which was one of my favorites.

a) Brief desciption of the process
    -The hiring process was definitely one of the more in detail and advanced processes associated 
      with my job. I reviewed applications, interviewed, ran background checks, and sending the
      applications to corporate before hiring them and filling out a whole new set of paperwork. 

 b) The purpose or desired outcome
      -The purpose or desired outcome was to hire a new member to our team

c) Steps in the process and the person and functional area responsible for completing the step
     -Getting an application- Applicant
     -Reviewing application- Manager(me)
     -Interviewing qualified applicants- Manager(me)
     -Placing a background check- Manager(me)
     -Sending quailifed potential to corprate for aproval- Manager(me)
     -Approving applicants and having applicants electronically sign documents- Corprate
     -Creating employee profile and sending it to corporate- Manager(me)
     -Congratulating approved applicant and setting up training- Manager(me)
d) Data, Document, and information flows associated with the process
       - There is plenty of data and documents involved in this process. There are softwares that help
          me sift through applications and pick out key words depending on the qualifications I am 
          looking to hire at the time. There are documents they must file out through corprate such as
          tax papers and legal documents.

e) The types of inefficiencies(delays, etc.) associated with the manual execution of this process
        - There are many inefficenies assoiated with this process. The biggest one that always bugged
           me was the time is took. It was a very extensive process running the background checks and
           hearing back from corprate. The whole process took almost a month which is not pratical. 
           If somebody left me abruplty or even put in there two weeks it would atleast take me two 
           two weeks to a month from their departure to hire a new person in their place. 
f) The role of the enterprise systems in supporting this process.
        - There role of the enterpise system in supportin this process was to over see all my actions
           and took keep things running smoothly, quickly, and efficiently. 

Google Drives in Business



Google Drives is an up and coming online file sharing and creating software. It is new, but it is gaining popularity fast. It is definitely going to take over many softwares that are used for this type of work due to the many benefits it has. I definitely think it is something that our office will benefit in having.

There are many benefits of using google drives. Here are just a few:
          - Documents can be shared on different devices.
          - Much cheaper then other softwares.
          - Saves space
          - Open file sharing

          Since there is no downloading involved this can be used on many different devices. But the benefit of this is other soft wares that are similar to drives require you to buy a software that only can be downloaded on one device. This can be used on unlimited devices since downloading is not required.
         Business spend thousands of dollars on soft wares to create, download, and share files each year. Now certain soft wares are not letting you download a software and have it for the rest of time. It is requiring you to have something similar to a subscription. There is always a new way for these types of companies to make money off their clients. Google Drives is allowing for a free way to share data. 
         Since documents, files, photos, and videos are not being downloaded directly to your computer it saves a lot of space and memory. It does not take up space on your hard drive unless you choose to save a file. Everything is saved on the internet which is fantastic if you do not have enough room on your computer.
          All documents can be shared on one spread sheet. Employees can submit and edit files while accessing every ones files as well that are also on the same data base. This makes for a great way to store and access information without having to email it to individual people.

Overall, Google Drives will be beneficial to have as a company. It will allow for document sharing, reduce costs, save space, and expand file sharing. It will eliminate many problems that a business may come across. We definitely will never again have to worry about  a computer crashing and losing all data. It is definitely something to take a look into.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blogs in Business Memo




           In today's society technology has become something that is used every single day almost all the time. It is almost impossible to escape technology. If you are a working American it is likely that you will need to have some experience with technology in order to be successful in the workforce. For the reason that technology surrounds us everywhere we go, it is very important that we use incorporate technology with our business to maximize success 

           There are many benefits of blogging for our business. I will give you just a few examples for why blogging is important for our company to do in order to stay successful:

  •  Keeps customers updated about company
  •  Allows customers to interact and express interest in a company
  • Raises awareness and brings attention to customers. 
  • Free advertising 
  • Allows new people to find out about a company

           A great example of blogging in business is coke-a-cola. Coke is a huge soda manufacturing company and they also had in my opinion one of the best advertising techniques that I have seen in a few years. Even better, this advertising technique cost them nothing besides switching the print on their soda bottles/cans. Coke took advantage of the fact that blogging on all different websites and forms of social media is something that people take part in everyday. They did this by printing out names on a coke bottle. This may seem silly, but it worked. What happen  in this case was that when somebody saw either their name, their friends name, or their loved ones name they would take a picture of a coke can and blog about it. The company coke did not even have to keep up with a blog site they let their customers advertise for them. When other people went on blogging and social media sites they would see a nice ice cold refreshing coke and would possibly crave it and go out and get one. Blogging in business definitely proved to be successful for coke. 

           There was a study done about blogging in business and according to the study, 57% of companies who have a blog reported gaining a customer from their blog site. That is a very large percent. Companies spend millions of dollars advertising when blogging is a free way to raise awareness of our business. Also in that same study, there was a group of marketers that reveled 81% of business say that their business blog is useful and even critical for their business. Especially in todays society when technology is so ubiquitous it is almost imperative a company has a blog in order to keep up with competitors. 



Monday, September 8, 2014

My thought on Globalization

I had to read and write about Globalization for one of my classes. I actually thought it was very interesting and it also has to due with IT so I thought I would share my thoughts on it.

Technology has become quite ubiquitous throughout the years, currently it is impacting the world through globalization. Globalization can be discribed as different nations coming together making trade, communication, cultures, etc. simpler and more open. Any social differentiations are being taken away from different nations. It is very difficult to say if globalization is a blessing or a curse. There are many benefits of globalization, as well as many cons. Obviously trade being much simpler and cheaper is definitely a benefit, but this can also cause a loss of money to a country sending work over to poorer countries. Globalization appears to help poor countries more then countries who are well off. Globalization in the long run will bring poor countries more to a similar standard of countries like America and Europe, resulting in it being more beneficial to poor countries in my opinion. But I do think that it is important to make these countries equal to us. I do not think it is beneficial because right now our country is losing a lot of work due to cheaper labor cost in other countries. Obviously a business would rather spend less money then more money so in the long run we are losing money while other smaller countries are gaining it and being built up. Years from now It will result in equality amongst countries hopefully if everything goes well. 

Article on Globalization

This is an interesting article that I was reading for one of my classes where we were discussing globalization. Comment and share your thoughts about it. Do you think there are more pros or cons? Click Here For The Link

The Effects of Economic Globalization on Developing Countries

by Angie Mohr, Demand Media 
Financial and industrial globalization is increasing substantially and is creating new opportunities for both industrialized and developing countries. The largest impact has been on developing countries, who now are able to attract foreign investors and foreign capital. This has led to both positive and negative effects for those countries.

Access to New Markets

Globalization leads to freer trade between countries. This is one of its largest benefits to developing nations. Homegrown industries see trade barriers fall and have access to a much wider international market. The growth this generates allows companies to develop new technologies and produce new products and services.

Widening Disparity in Incomes

While an influx of foreign companies and foreign capital creates a reduction in overall unemployment and poverty, it can also increase the wage gap between those who are educated and those who are not. Over the longer term, education levels will rise as the financial health of developing countries rise, but in the short term, some of the poor will become poorer. Not everyone will participate in an elevation of living standards.

Decreased Employment

The influx of foreign companies into developing countries increases employment in many sectors, especially for skilled workers. However, improvements in technology come with the new businesses and that technology spreads to domestic companies. Automation in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors lessens the need for unskilled labor and unemployment rises in those sectors. If there is no infrastructure to help the unemployed train for the globalized economy, social services in the country may become strained trying to care for the new underclass.
Angie Mohr is a syndicated finance columnist who has been writing professionally since 1987. She is the author of the bestselling "Numbers 101 for Small Business" books and "Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Helping Kids Understand the Value of a Dollar." She is a chartered accountant, certified management accountant and certified public accountant with a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Photo Credits

  • global stamps image by jesse welter from

My Dogs

My Dogs

I love to take pictures and I love my dogs. It was almost impossible to get them to all pose for this picture! (what you don't see is the piece of food I'm holding) 

From left to right there names are:
1) Buddy- 1 year and 8 months
2)Petey- 9 months
3)Dexter- 10 years


I posted a survey I would like you all to participate in as well as foods that are in season at the moment so you are always eating the most fresh and delicious food !

Cookie Recipe

I found this Recipe  Here ! and it looks fantastic.


Strawberry-Banana Nutella Cookies Recipe

Cook Time
Total Time
Type: Dessert
Serves: 24 cookies
  • 24 refrigerated pieces of sugar cookie dough
  • 8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
  • ⅓ cup granulated sugar
  • 4 heaping tablespoons Nutella
  • 1 cup strawberries, diced
  • 1 cup bananas, diced
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Roll the cookie dough into 24 equal sized balls and press them with the palm of your thumb into discs, about ¼ inch thick. Space an inch apart on parchment lined baking sheet.
  3. Bake until golden brown (as directed on packaging)
  4. Prepare the Nutella topping by whisking the cream cheese and sugar until fluffy. Add Nutella and whisk until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  5. When cookies have fully cooled, pipe or spread the Nutella mixture over the cookies and top with diced fruit.